Tuesday 25 August 2020



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 how to draw male face for beginers    https://youtu.be/CpKuqjySSSs

  how to draw femae face for beginers   https://youtu.be/UYQGs0UX_0M  
  drawing using mobile phone            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65WdkqW_9To   

  my grig drawing tutorial              https://youtu.be/G305SDLtFO4
  how to shade face for beginers        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hejyMh7T44E&t=1s
  how to draw outline for beginers      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0QUdjCqaro&t=1s

  home made blender tool               https://youtu.be/GqyLcFa5Crw

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Life of Ken | 26.10.2022

      Hey, guys let's start the sharings,              Today nothing special guys, As usual task. And almost completed his monthly task ...